Flexible circuits, its based material is PET (Polyester sheet). The process goes by Silk Screen Printed, to print the silver paste (conductive ink), the carbon ink, and the UV insulation ink on the PET film. In Kingley Tech, we provide the thickness of (PET) Flexible Circuit from 0.075mm, 0.10mm and 0.125mm. The main advantage of using the Flexible Circuit (PET circuit) is the low cost.
總計: 4
Model : Film-Schaltung
Film Circuit: are widely used in the industry such as Medical, ATM, Kiosks and more.
Model : Flexible Circuit Board
Flexible Circuit Board: its process consist of the following stages and more.
Model : Flex Circuit Board
Flex Circuit Board: Its conductive inks (silver / carton, dielectric and more.)
Model : Leiterplattenmontage
Circuit Board Assembly: it includes the film (PET) circuit, Printed Circuit Board and more.